Monday, June 22, 2009

Madman Acoss the Water

Couldn't think of a clever title for this post, so am using the title to the album I am listening while I write, now thats clever ;-D

It’s hot here today, not Sarah in her bikini hawt or Texas hot just straight up hot, temps in the high 80’s to low 90’s, so the whining has begun. We have gone from rainy, stormy, muggy and a bit cool to fairly hot overnight, MySpace, facebook and general conversations are alive with comments about the heat, last week it was the rain and storms. I guess people are never satisfied are they; we want things our way damnit and if we can’t have it that way we complain. I don’t complain about the heat, I dislike the opposite, the cold north wind cuts right through me and my old hippie ass hates wearing shoes and too many articles of clothing, so I accept the heat and always comment back, “well it beats 10 degrees and a 30mph north wind” but that just me. I try not to bitch at all, there is always a positive in every situation if I look for it, although there are things that take some serious thought to find a glimmer of good in what is going down, if nothing else there is always a lesson to be learned and building a strong connection to one’s own God.
I had a good weekend!! I didn’t do much of anything Saturday, wrote the long post for the blog, which I enjoyed doing and it was therapeutic, writing about my past helps the healing process. I watched a couple of movies, spent time at home with Mich and Angel, and just chilled with no schedule. Father’s Day was good also, spent the first bit of the morning with Angel we had breakfast together, then went to my Sunday AM meeting from there to a friend’s house for the afternoon. My yard isn’t a good place to air out the tent in, so I took it to her house, she has a big fenced in back yard. I helped her mow and do some other yard work, plus a couple of odds and ends. Yes I was doing something for someone else but it was work I thoroughly enjoy doing, so it wasn’t work at all, plus I enjoy her company. Today has been spent in anticipation of finding out if my friend is going to buy my house, never got the call so evidently she didn’t find out either, there is a middle man involve in all this so we have to wait for him. I didn’t let it bother me much; I will know when I know. When she talked to me Friday she said it was 99% guaranteed the deal would go through, just waiting for the final green light from the middle man. The limbo of moving to Lincoln should be ending soon. If she can’t get the money then I will just have put the house on the market and see what happens. If we go get the green light then I can inform my boss I am leaving, start sending out resumes and looking for a place to live. Mich was looking at apartments today.
It is all about living in the moment and acceptance. The Serenity prayer in action. Accept the things I cannot change, the weather. Do the foot work to change the things I can, get some down time and me time, do what I can and can about moving to Lincoln. And the wisdom to know the difference, mindfulness in practice.
Until next time. Peace Love and Light


DM said...

You had me "hawt."

No, seriously.

Anonymous said...

I love this post. When I moved to West Virginia nearly 8 years ago (where we actually have weather, as opposed to so. California that doesn't) I became immensely irritated by all the newscasters that would provide whiny commentary on the weather nearly every day. They were never happy. It was either too cold or too hot or too rainy or too something. Never satisfied to let things just 'be.' So I worte in to the chief Meteorologist and told him that his anchors need to put a sock in it (so to speak.) He didn't like that. Oh well. LOL

Shadow said...

you're sounding good. and i'm kinda like you. i hate wearing layers and layers of clothing and still being cold. but, although i prefer the summer, winter has it's place too and i'm enjoying that which summer cannot give, cuddling on the couch, hot rich stews, fire places, baked apples, a change of season wardrobe, heee heee heee. have a good week!