Sunday, October 4, 2009

Did I Shave my legs for this!!

No I don't shave my legs, but Deana Carter has been playing on the sound system in my brain, not a bad thing because I love her music. Sad truth folks, I like me some simple country music right along with my Dylan, Jackson Browne, Joni, Neil, Clash, Allman Bros, Little Feat, Woody and Muddy etc. Really though think about it, how often have we done something wanting special results only have to have them be mediocre or disappointing. I may not shave my legs, but I have put on nice clothes, a bit of cologne only to walk away saying "shit that didn't work out the way I wanted and I put so much thought and effort into it". So goes life, we do the footwork and yet things still don't turn out the way we want them to. But we don't give up, we will shave our legs, we will press our nicest clothes, trim the eyebrow, nose and ear hair and try again because we can't give up, because we trust our God that somewhere along the path called life what we want may become a reality if we work for it. This isn't just about relationships, it is about anything in life, replacing that beater car, finding a job that is fulfilling, hell finding a job in general for some, making lasting and healthy friendships with others on this path, helping others in recovery, the list could go on and on. The outside appearance is laughably what we feel is important to us but it is really the inside, the emotional and spiritual that is important to our God and fellows. So thanks Deana for helping me look at life from a humorous angle.

We have 7 clients at the treatment center leaving this coming week. Most of these people entered treatment about the same time I started working there on a regular bases, meaning 3 to 4 days a week. These are my kids, these are the women and men myself and others have done all we can to help them not return to the life they were living prior to coming to us. I know some of them won't make it, I won't even guess which ones they will be because in the past I have thought someone just wasn't willing enough and then they would have a spiritual experience of some kind and start to grow in leaps and bounds. It is hard to not get attached to the clients after spending anywhere from 35-50 days with them a few times a week, I now understand how people in the medical field have to guard themselves from becoming too emotionally attached to their patients. I don't place high expectations on any of them but as a recovering alcoholic and addict myself I have a special love for them, a love born out of having walked in their moccasins, the love one alcoholic/addict has for another. My parting words to each one will be "go to meetings, get a sponsor and work the steps" I have shared my experience, strength and hope with them the best that I can but the bottom line is they have to be willing to do the footwork and people who stay sober, go to meetings, have a good sponsor and work the steps, later they will hopefully find service work, spend time in prayer and mediation, read and understand the literature but for now the basics will serve them well if they do the footwork.

Quick bit of humor, Friday night was movie night and they were watching a stupid horror movie, some of the clients don't like horror movies and neither do I so we broke out a deck of cards and after throwing around different card games to play we settled on Spades, one young girl had never played Spades before but was willing to learn. Well she learned and we created a monster. It was really fun watching her learn to read the other players and figure what cards to play by thinking about what had already been played. When she finished she said she was now addicted to playing Spades and it was cool because now she knows she can have a lot of fun playing cards sober with sober people. It was a simple gift of recovery and I was grateful that I was there to watch it happen.

Monday I have an all day class to get my medical certification for work. It is basic first aid and also learning how to check blood pressure, learning about giving our medications and minor things like that. This is a whole new world for me. I have had first aid training while I was in the military so that isn't anything new but the rest is. I have spent my whole working career up to this point being involve in one form or another with mechanical related jobs. I am a bit nervous about this training, the medical world seems scary because so much is at stake even if it is only minor, the self doubt kind of creeps in, the self talk says "your hands are those of a working man". But on the other hand I am excited, this is part of the new path I have taken in my life, the path to be of service to God and others. Tomorrow I will wake up with a clear head because I didn't drink the night before, it will do a bit of prayer and mediation so my mind is focused on the task at hand and I will trust my God to help me along the way.

Well my friends I need to get in the shower and get ready for work, my kids await.

Peace Love and Light to all!!


Anonymous said...

"Wake up with a clear head."

That gets right to the heart of the matter, doesn't it?

Great post, Scott.

Tall Kay said...

I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to. It's a tough one...emotionally. The only reason I came to AA was to get my husband back. I never intended to stick around. Someone said to me "Life's rejection is God's protection". It was only through hindsight that I realized how true that statement is. Your faith is strong, and God has something much better in store for you. {{Scott}}

Paula said...

Sorry to hear it didnt work out the way you wnated it but as Tall Karen said above, there is something better in store for you!
Thanks for your thoughtful comment on my recovery. I am doing ok physically as well as spiritually and had a good laugh about your wearing flip flops only ;-))) I love walking bare foot, feeling sand or soil between my toes. Have a great day.

Shadow said...

mmm, we do worry so much about the outside, when in actual fact it counts for very little in the process of peace and happiness.

peet said...
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