Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Taste of Winter

We are getting our first taste of winter and it isn't too bad. Been cold and rainy last few days, thought I would wake up to ice yesterday but we were smiled on and the over night temps weren't too low. Last year at this time we had snow on the ground and lots of it. My chariot is now a Honda Prelude, so I hope we don't have a ton of snow, not sure the car sits high enough to get around the streets. Not really worried, what will be will be, just have to figure it out when it happens.

Worst thing with winter is adjusting to the lack of light and the chill in the air. The lack of light brings on slight seasonal depression for me. I am such an outdoor person I have to mentally prepare myself for staying inside and laugh if you must but to wearing shoes again. I don't get bad depression just get low for a few weeks. I am fortunate in that I understand what is happening, can work with it or at least tell others what is going on.

Working with mental illness is a big part of my job. My understanding of mental illness increases daily it seems. This understanding is helpful in my personal life as well as professional. I have more patience and empathy than I did before. Lady B's youngest, who lives with her, is Bi-Polar, my understanding allows me to know what is illness in action and not get angry so easily. Mich is also having bouts of depression not to mention bouts of ugly co-dependency. There are a lot of people we associate with or who are in our lives, that have mental illness. I have always been empathetic with people with mental illness but now I understand a great deal more about how it effects them, how they can cope with it and live fairly normal lives given the right treatment.

Getting fired from the treatment center sucked. The door that was closed by the firing opened a door to a wonderful new career. My levels of living experience, my insights from them and my drive to find resources for myself and the organization, is something I can put to use at this job, something I wasn't allow to do at the treatment center because I wasn't college educated. I am not blowing my horn here, by Divine Providence, Karmic law or whatever, I have been given a gift. Some of the gift comes from practicing Mindfulness daily. With mindfulness I stay calm, I don't over react, much, I can See what needs to be done, or listen to others and see their words. We alcoholics and addicts have so much to offer the world once we get sober. Sad truth is many who suffer with alcoholism and addiction never make it to the place of seeing what their full potential is.

The reunion was alright, Lady B was bored but a trooper. We didn't stay very long, it was mostly standing around and talking, I didn't want Lady B to feel left out so I talked to most of my old friends then we headed back to the hotel. We had a good weekend together which was the main thing.

I am at Lady B's right now, we just finished breakfast. Later I will see Mich and the kids. Not sure if Angel will spend the night or not. One of the things Lady B had to point out to me was I was assuming it was alright for Angel to come and spend the night every time I was in town. She pointed out it would be nice if I asked first because sometimes she is too tired from a long week at work to have another active kiddo under foot. Mich was also taking advantage of us always watching Angel too. Mich has to learn when you are a parent part of the gig is you have your kids 24/7 and the fun nights out just don't happen as much as you want them to.

Have a great weekend ALL.

Peace Love and Light


Lori said...

We are getting our first taste of winter as well...although we are getting nothing compared to many others that only live an hour and a half away. Was hoping to play in the snow this weekend. :)

I think many of us that live in the colder states struggle with bouts of feeling low when we don't see the sun as much as the grey skys keep it away. Staying inside can drive us a little stir crazy. :)

It does sound like you have come a long way in your life. Things happen, like getting fired, and new doors open with new opportunities for us to grow if we embrace the changes. You are right about practicing does affect how we react or respond to events that happen.

It sounds like you and your lady have a busy weekend. I hope you accomplish a lot and still have time for some fun. Many smiles, hug and happy thoughts sent your way. XX Lori

peet said...
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Paula said...

I like how you and your lady friend work out boundaries. Its good to see you content in your relations. Hugs across the pond