Well it is that time of year, the time of greed and gluttony, A.K.A. Christmas time. Probably didn’t take you long to figure out I don’t care much for Christmas. It starts with everyone asking me “did you eat your fill or did you stuff yourself” when asking how my Thanksgiving was. I hate this fucking question because if I say “I don’t partake in gluttony” then I open up a whole can of worms about ideologies, traditions and such. I have nothing against eating my fill if I am hungry but the gloating over how much one eats in a gluttonous way is repulsive to me. So with the overeating of Thanksgiving the bells of the Christmas season are rung.
Black Friday was the same as every other year even if the economy is in the shitter, people being as un-Jesus like as ever fighting over bargains, shoving their way around stores, a few deaths related to shopper’s greed celebrates the birth of the Prince of Peace. Black Friday can be a fun time for those who find fun in standing in lines at the wee wee hours of the morning waiting for stores to open hoping to get some great bargains for gifts, the adrenaline rush of intense shopping, not my thing. But like it is like heavy traffic, it can bring out the worst in people, instead of accepting it for what it is, something snaps, people get hurt, and self will run riot on steroids.
I don’t mind the music in small doses, in fact I actually like some of it, Tran Siberian Orchestra is extremely good and I have Christmas album by Jethro Tull I absolutely love, but like chocolate too much of it is a sugary overdose. I tend to go home after a day of Christmas music and listen to gritty blues or folk. Radio stations never seem to play the classic “Christmas Wrapping” by the Waitresses or “Father Christmas” by the Kinks around here, but there is always YouTube for them when my teeth hurt after hearing, one too many Bing, Dean or Perry songs.
I do make an extra effort to show loving kindness though. When I am checking out at stores, I try to be cheerful, joking and kind to the poor cashier. I put up a few decorations for my daughters benefit. Next year Angel will be old enough to enjoy the decorations so grandpa will go out of his way to make sure she has plenty of pretty things to look at. If I get a bit sour at meetings I explain that it is nothing personal to those who get giddy over Christmas. I go to the family things in respect to my mother, late father and daughter. I will buy a few toys for charity so that the less fortunate children can have a few presents too.
Kids are the saving grace of the season for me. Adults seem too phony, yah they give gifts but they expect something in return, put a price tag on shit given and received, which includes time and effort. Adults forget about the magic of Santa Claus and Jesus, oh they say they no but most are too caught up in the artificial to see the true nature of these men. I apologize for throwing all adults together; I know there are those out there who truly understand the meaning of Christmas. Children now, they know all about Santa and Jesus. They know that both are magical. Santa the magical elf who brings presents and spreads happiness and joy. Jesus the baby who was born poor in a manger on a cold night, the baby who would become the man who taught of love and tolerance for all, he the bringer of Heaven. They are to young and innocent to understand that his name is also used for evil, for hatred, an excuse to kill gays, abortionist, non-Republicans and non-Christians. Children will tell you Jesus loved the little drummer boy most because he was poor like him, they will notice the poor around them and wish they could help. They will ask Santa to bring a present to a friend less fortunate or whose home life is bad. Children’s eyes light up and the sparkling beauty of the decorations and electrical magic, and hopefully their parents will be able to have some quality time with them by going out and seeing the lights and decorations.
So that’s my bit on Christmas. I leave you with some lyrics from Jackson Browne’s song “Rebel Jesus” they sum up my feelings as well even if this post is a bit of a Bah Humbug.
But please forgive me if I seem
To take the tone of judgement
For Ive no wish to come between
This day and your enjoyment
In this life of hardship and of earthly toil
We have need for anything that frees us
So I bid you pleasure
And I bid you cheer
From a heathen and a pagan
On the side of the rebel jesus.