Wednesday, July 18, 2012

12 Promises for Newcomers

I saw this on a AA Facebook group I subscribe to and thought it was good enough to share.


1. You will know your full name and address.

2. You will be able to shave yourself, or put on your makeup, whichever pleases you.
3. You will be able to dress and undress yourself.

4. You will know the town, the state, and the country you live in.

5. You will be able to find socks that match, or nylons without runs.

6. You will be able to smoke without burning yourself, your clothes, or the furniture.

7. You will lose the fear of food.

8. You will be able to walk a straight line and pass the drunk driving test.

9. You will spend less time in the bathroom and be able to brush your teeth without gagging

10. You will lose the fear of police cars.

11. You will be able to answer the door without having to look through the peephole.

12. You will realize what a hell of a mess you were, and thank God for A.A
All is well here and hope all is well there.
Peace Love Light

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! This is great :-)